+34 944 448 062 second@secondlanguage.net
Relatively Speaking

Relatively Speaking

You might be asking what we are relatively speaking about, which is a fair question. In this blog, I want to start looking at relative clauses, like the one I stuck onto the end of the previous sentences with a which and the one I’m making now without bothering to put...
Septiembre, el mes de los comienzos

Septiembre, el mes de los comienzos

Septiembre significa comienzos. A veces es el mes para un cambio radical o para continuar con aquello que habíamos dejado a medias. Septiembre es vuelta al cole, al trabajo, a aprender y a la rutina. Vuelta a sentirnos productivos, estresados o incluso sin tiempo....
Further Comparison

Further Comparison

Comparisons can be difficult for us to learn. Last week, I outlined the rules we traditionally teach for making comparisons with adjectives in English and suggested that they may be too complicated to learn naturally for many adult learners (including me). If you...

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