SINCE is a useful word in English. You can use it to tell people when a present situation started, for example, I’ve worked as a teacher SINCE 1996, and it’s maybe even more common to talk about the duration of time during which something hasn’t happened, so if you...
Prepositions like AT, ON and IN are used in English to say where things exist in space or time. Our brains try to organise space into three dimensions, and we use a similar system to describe time. One-dimensional points are moments in time and English usually fixes...
‘Bunch’ is an interesting word. You may know that you can buy a bunch of grapes or a bunch of flowers, but did you know that one of its most common applications is for a bunch of idiots? English uses a lot of these “link” words to introduce groups and quantities of...
FALSE FRIENDS AT WORK For now, this is the last of my mini-series on false friends for Spanish speakers of Business English. I’ve looked at linguistic low-lifes in the areas of Food and the Human Body, so to finish, here are the worst words that can trip you up in the...
Further False friendsLast time, I looked at the false friends that Spanish speakers of Business English can encounter when talking about health and the body. In this blog, I will extend my investigations to include the linguistic traps to avoid when you’re talking...
¡Es la hora de los propósitos de año nuevo! Pero, ¿cuáles son los tuyos? El comienzo de un nuevo año siempre viene ligado a la creación de una nueva lista de propósitos para este 2024. Es una muy buena manera de crear desde el primer día del año unos nuevos hábitos....
Calendario de Adviento: Contando los Días con Anticipación La llegada de diciembre marca el inicio del conteo regresivo hacia la Navidad, y muchas familias adoptan la tradición del calendario de Adviento. Este calendario especial, ya sea en forma de cajas numeradas,...
Men can get embarrassed as easily as women, but it’s trickier for a man to get pregnant. This is one of the many false friends and other traps that lie in wait for Spanish speakers of Business English. These are important errors because they can make you feel stupid...
Hopefully, my last two blogs will have eradicated any fond ideas you might have had about BACK being a nice, simple word for the part of your body that’s hard to scratch. BACK can be the direction part of a phrasal verb, like when you go back to somewhere or put...
My last blog looked at the word BACK as a direction or destination, like UP or DOWN. When you go BACK (or run BACK, drive BACK, walk BACK, etc.), you go to where you originally started, or return. This use of BACK with movement verbs like go or come is very common in...
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