+34 944 448 062 second@secondlanguage.net
Phrasal Verbs: How do you “UP”?

Phrasal Verbs: How do you “UP”?

Most of my students like phrasal verbs about as much as they like exercise bikes and try to use them with roughly the same frequency.  Native speakers, on the other hand, find them so easy and flexible that we can invent them spontaneously to serve when we don’t know...
Septiembre, el mes de los comienzos

Septiembre, el mes de los comienzos

Septiembre significa comienzos. A veces es el mes para un cambio radical o para continuar con aquello que habíamos dejado a medias. Septiembre es vuelta al cole, al trabajo, a aprender y a la rutina. Vuelta a sentirnos productivos, estresados o incluso sin tiempo....
How do you like your English?

How do you like your English?

American English When I was a kid growing up in 1970s England, I never really had any concept of “American English”. I decided that the candy I saw advertised in Marvel comics was just another of those cool American things (like “sea-monkeys”) that weren’t available...

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