SINCE is a useful word in English. You can use it to tell people when a present situation started, for example, I’ve worked as a teacher SINCE 1996, and it’s maybe even more common to talk about the duration of time during which something hasn’t happened, so if you...
FALSE FRIENDS AT WORK For now, this is the last of my mini-series on false friends for Spanish speakers of Business English. I’ve looked at linguistic low-lifes in the areas of Food and the Human Body, so to finish, here are the worst words that can trip you up in the...
¡Es la hora de los propósitos de año nuevo! Pero, ¿cuáles son los tuyos? El comienzo de un nuevo año siempre viene ligado a la creación de una nueva lista de propósitos para este 2024. Es una muy buena manera de crear desde el primer día del año unos nuevos hábitos....
Calendario de Adviento: Contando los Días con Anticipación La llegada de diciembre marca el inicio del conteo regresivo hacia la Navidad, y muchas familias adoptan la tradición del calendario de Adviento. Este calendario especial, ya sea en forma de cajas numeradas,...
Why it’s worth making the effort with WORTH When a marketing company tell us that we’re worth it, we feel good because the “it” that we’re ‘worth’ is a lovely thing, and if our worth is so high that society wants to reward us with such luxury, we must be pretty damn...
Deconstructing Mindfulness in English You might recently have been advised to be more mindful. Some believe that, when life isstressful, your work seems endless and you feel helpless, being mindful can be a powerful tool. Whether or not you agree, mindfulness is...
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