This month, you might well be sick to the back teeth of seeing the word BACK in your business emails from English-speakers. Kids are going back to school, suppliers are back at work, at last and customers promise to get back to you with updates on your unpaid invoices...
Why it’s worth making the effort with WORTH When a marketing company tell us that we’re worth it, we feel good because the “it” that we’re ‘worth’ is a lovely thing, and if our worth is so high that society wants to reward us with such luxury, we must be pretty damn...
Deconstructing Mindfulness in English You might recently have been advised to be more mindful. Some believe that, when life isstressful, your work seems endless and you feel helpless, being mindful can be a powerful tool. Whether or not you agree, mindfulness is...
¿Cómo evaluar a tus empleados si están realizando una formación de idiomas en la empresa? En primer lugar, destacar la importancia de la evaluación y seguimiento de tus empleados y su proceso mientras están formándose en un idioma. ¿Por qué? Es sencillo. Con ello...
¿Necesitas formación en inglés? Queremos aumentar tu formación en inglés. Si tienes que realizar cualquier tipo de presentación profesional en Inglés y la barrera del idioma te está quitando el sueño, Si tienes que negociar con un cliente o proveedor extranjero y te...
Using Comparatives to show Consequences Using comparatives to show consequences, that’s the topic of today. To make adjectives or adverbs comparative in English, you either stick an ‘-er’ on the end if your instinct tells you to, or you put the word ‘more’ in...
A lot of my contacts work in HR, so I get to see a lot of online job ads. As with any kind of advertising, there is an art to writing them, and if you have to do it in a weird language like English, it occurred to me that a bit of help might be useful. Less is More...
More Keyboard Symbols in English My last blog focused on how to say the main keyboard symbols you need to tell people your email address. Our company address is “Second AT Second-Language DOT net” (, so we only have to worry about two...
Keyboard Symbols in English Hopefully, most of you by now have broken all your New Year’s Resolutions and started on the serious business of getting through January without murdering anyone. As a result, you won’t find anything motivational or likely to inspire you to...
4 claves para llevarla con éxito La vuelta al cole ha llegado a Second Language, pero también a todos los colegios y empresas. Es por ello, que a muchos nos cuesta entrar en la rutina con buen pie y de buenas maneras. Sabemos que hay mucho trabajo por hacer, quizás...
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