How to write a Job Ad in English
A lot of my contacts work in HR, so I get to see a lot of online job ads. As with any kind of advertising, there is an art to writing them, and if you have to do it in a weird language like English, it occurred to me that a bit of help might be useful. Less is More...
Keyboard Symbols: Dash, Slash and Hash
More Keyboard Symbols in English My last blog focused on how to say the main keyboard symbols you need to tell people your email address. Our company address is “Second AT Second-Language DOT net” (second@secondlanguage.net), so we only have to worry about two...
What the $#!@%?
Keyboard Symbols in English Hopefully, most of you by now have broken all your New Year’s Resolutions and started on the serious business of getting through January without murdering anyone. As a result, you won’t find anything motivational or likely to inspire you to...
La vuelta al cole ha llegado a Second Language
4 claves para llevarla con éxito La vuelta al cole ha llegado a Second Language, pero también a todos los colegios y empresas. Es por ello, que a muchos nos cuesta entrar en la rutina con buen pie y de buenas maneras. Sabemos que hay mucho trabajo por hacer, quizás...