When normal formal just isn’t enough to communicate your anger by email, you can really turn the screw by twisting the order of your sentences… In my last blog, https://secondlanguage.net/2021/06/01/cold-hard-grammar/ I set out my main formal English tools for email...
The first thing to note about formal English in modern business is that it’s not nice. It’s not polite or charming, it’s a weapon that you use to defend yourself against an anonymous public or to intimidate acquaintances who incur your wrath. This means that, in an...
Please, Thanks and sorry are very important in ours lives. The words above are all seasoned veterans of those “most powerful word in the English language” memes that often appear on LinkedIn. This might be a slight exaggeration (the words “paid with thanks” have...
How to Lose Friends and Upset People? Do you know it? Have you ever been offended by a business mail or text message? If not, you’re either lucky with your clients or you have a thicker skin than me. I know we English are a little sensitive about these things, but...
5 tips to write a Business E-Mail Do you want to know how to write a Business E-Mail? A lot of my professional students are asking to focus their English classes on writing lately. There’s something about an email that makes you feel more exposed and vulnerable than...
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